Nanoz Game Boy game #1 is out Now!

The Nanoz
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Play as Cooper in this infinite runner game, avoid the Spikes and catch as many NanozCoin as possible! This is the first game of a series

Play now in your browser

You can play now on your browser as we teamed up with (a big thank you to Patrick) to make the game available for everyone to enjoy. Simply go to, sign in for free and voilà, the game will appear in your GB game library! It works on computer and mobile as well.

→ You can also download the rom here if you want to play it in your own emulator.

Limited edition physical cartidges

A very limited run of 25 Cartidges were produced and will be gradually given away for free to lucky holders! Starting with the Top 10 holders

On January 4 at 6pm UTC, a snapshot will be taken and the top 10 holders will be able to claim for free a physical cartidge (1 per person, no multiple wallet allowed). Each of them is equipped with an NFC chip on the back and is linked to its corresponding digital collectible. You can check the ranking on Opensea’s Analytics page.

If you are not in the top 10, don’t worry, there will be many other ways to win a cartidge including giveaways….

Official links



The Nanoz

The Nanoz Universe is a colorful, family friendly NFT collection.🌈 5,555 fun characters that will embark you in a unique and rewarding collectible journey🚀🪐